sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 6, 2016

virtual advent tour: day 6
posted by soe 4:00 am

Virtual Advent Tour logo
Welcome to Day 6 of the Virtual Advent Tour!

Today’s host is Rudi, who appropriately has a post for you on St. Nicholas Day and Krampus Night, at his blog, Random Duck.

For those who don’t know, Rudi is my partner of 22 years. When I shared with him I was second-guessing my decision not to run the Advent Tour this year, he nonchalantly said I had until December 1st to make a final call. Clearly he knows me well. Then, not only did he volunteer to write two posts, but he also pitched in when I got stuck in Photoshop editing my own poorly crafted Christmas ornament photo for the badge. So, thanks, Rudi, both for today’s post and for all you’ve contributed behind the scenes!

Check back here tomorrow for the next stop on the Virtual Advent Tour. And if you’re interested in taking part in the tour, badges, details, and sign-up info can be found here. We’d love to have you participate.


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