sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 20, 2016

ten on tuesday: seasonal transition
posted by soe 3:40 am

This week marks the official turn from summer to fall, probably my favorite season of the year. To mark the occasion, Carole has asked us to focus our collective Ten on Tuesday attention on the five best things we did this summer and five things we’re looking forward to doing this fall.

The five best things I did this summer:

  1. Saw Danny.
  2. Received surprise free tickets to the Billy Joel concert.
  3. Knit a pretty shawlette — and finished some brightly colored socks.
  4. Witnessed beautiful sunsets and impressive lightning storms from Yards Park (and a rainbow from my local community pool).
  5. Kept putting one foot in front of the other. (Carole specified best, not favorite.)

The five things I’m most looking forward to this fall:

  1. Getting to visit with Karen. And my folks. But I’ve seen them more recently than her. This may be the longest we’ve had between visits since … college?
  2. Attending the National Book Festival this weekend. (The hordes of people that attend and the confined space of the convention center ratchet my anxiety up to nearly unbearable. But to spend a whole day listening to people read to me, I’ll cope with it.)
  3. Going apple-picking and going on a cider-doughnut excursion. (In the northeast, this is as easy as driving to your nearest farm stand, but down here it requires Sarah and I plan ahead.
  4. Watching Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and A Man Called Ove at the cinema.
  5. Listening to post-season baseball. While the Nationals have not yet hit their magic number for clinching the NL East, and while the Mets are mired in a three-way contention for the wildcard spots, I expect to listen to a certain number of games. I grew up listening to baseball on the radio, and am always happy to enjoy a game that way. (Even, sometimes, when I’m at the ballpark.)
  6. Honestly, I’d love to say a trip to the beach will happen this fall, but I’ve no guarantee that’ll happen, so I’m going with surer stuff.

How about you? What were some of the best things you did this summer? And what are you looking forward to this fall?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

Oh, wow – Ove in the cinema!! That is something to look forward to!

My best was the gardens, most certainly! And, looking forward to visiting my kids!

Comment by AsKatKnits 09.20.16 @ 8:55 am

I am looking forward to your next visit. And apple picking and pumpkins and Halloween.

Enjoy the book festival!

Comment by Karen 09.24.16 @ 9:52 am