sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 21, 2006

trust, knitting a memory, and a too-small container
posted by soe 1:52 pm

Three beautiful things from the last week:

1. When I got on the Metro Tuesday morning, I noticed a woman standing with her two children, a boy and girl who looked to be about 5 or so. At the stop between where I get on and where I get off, I moved over to stand next to them so as not to block the exit. As I did, the little girl looked up at me, smiled, and took my hand, which she held until I got off the train. They both chattered away at me, asking my name and telling me theirs. The little boy told me that his name was Buzz Lightyear and I told him I’d seen him on tv. When his sister assured me that he was not, in fact, the famed superhero, the boy quickly revised his story to say that he had the movie with him and pulled off his Sponge Bob backpack to show me.

2. My cousin Lally had six inches of iPod cozy knit when she left my folks’ house Saturday night. She and Gramma and I retired to Gramma’s sitting room to have a crash-course in knitting basics, and Lally took off like a bullet. (Thanks, Sarah, for all the help in finding the right pattern for an inaugural project.)

3. As I mentioned yesterday, I took cookies to work yesterday for a party. The containers were licked clean when they made their way back to me. And that was okay, because although each and every Eskimo cookie I made had been in one of the tins, the one that contained the fudge hadn’t been quite big enough to fit all that I’d made. So Rudi and I have a little fudge stash at home for when we need a chocolate pick-me-up.

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