sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 26, 2016

p street flowers, inside, and silver lining/pocket
posted by soe 2:42 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. The first daffodil blooms of the season.

Daffodils on P Street, N.W.

2. I was working late on Wednesday, which meant that I was indoors during the huge storm that moved through the area during rush hour yesterday and therefore missed getting soaked or hailed upon.

3. The aforementioned storm dumped so much water on the region that there was no question that water was going to seep into our apartment. As I was hanging up a bag that I’d left on the floor that had gotten damp, I discovered in an inside pocket I don’t use a set of gift cards that I’d clearly tucked in there for safe keeping.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 4 Comments.

Those are all very nice things. Our daffodils have started to poke out of the ground, proof that December was not too late for planting bulbs.

Comment by Karen 02.26.16 @ 6:39 pm

I spotted snowdrops blooming on my walk! And I have electricity and I started a baby bonnet 🙂 Love your three things 🙂

Comment by karen 02.28.16 @ 5:14 pm

@Karen: I’m very glad the weather cooperated so you could get them in the ground.

Comment by soe 03.10.16 @ 2:33 am

@karen: All of those are excellent things!

Comment by soe 03.10.16 @ 2:33 am