sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 1, 2016

posted by soe 2:05 am

Buds on a Tree with Snow Melting in the Background

My weekend included:

  • Working late on Friday to put a dent in the work that got put off by two unexpected days off at the start of the week.
  • Preparing an egg sandwich using eggs that had frozen in my fridge (they’d been sitting against the fridge roof for a couple weeks).
  • Sleeping in on Saturday.
  • Having brunch with Sarah.
  • Meandering my way home and finding a giveaway pile (city folks leave unwanted items curbside in hopes you might want their junk; I’ve brought home a bread maker and books and gotten rid of furniture and a spare blender that way) that included Billy Crystal and George Harrison dvds and packets of seeds.
  • Making sandwiches for Rudi’s and my supper.
  • Hitting the farmers market today.
  • Attending the annual meeting of my community garden. (This will be my ninth year gardening!)
  • Playing volleyball.
  • Watching the live performance of Grease.
  • Talking to family and friends.

  • Weekending along with Karen at Pumpkin Sunrise.

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