Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. Waking up after dozing off needles in hand with just enough time to finish my sock toe, take pictures, and send an email before the end-of-round deadline.
2. A friend is in from out of town, so she and another friend and I meet for dinner and, more crucially, dessert. (It’s funny, but she is back in town often enough that we may see her more since she moved away than we did when she lived nearby.)
3. One of the coffeehouses we frequent is short on seats inside and out, but does boast a bench in front of their window. The overhang is just wide enough that we stay dry from the drizzle as we sip drinks and share a piece of Pi Day pie.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?
Two cheers for meeting deadlines!
Beautiful in my world this week:
– a house full of people gathered to celebrate my son’s 12th birthday
– homemade ice cream
– the bud vase full of clover on my bedside table
– a stack of books awaiting my attention