sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 12, 2013

party, recuperation, and throw this, please
posted by soe 4:34 am

I lost a week there somehow. I swear I just wrote and then I got up and came back to the computer and we were at Thursday still, but it was a different week’s Thursday. I’m not sure how that happened.

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1. Friends gathered to help us decorate our tree and to make merry. Some brought food. Some brought ornaments. Some brought children to entertain us. One brought a handmade treat for the cats. All brightened our day.

2. Having people over always takes it out of us. We were extremely grateful for a snow day, even if the snow/ice never really materialized here. We slept in, watched a Christmas flick, got the last decorations on the tree, found the Christmas cards (who would have thought I would have put the ones I bought in October where they should go???), and didn’t change out of our pajamas.

3. While visiting a farm, we are greeted by a bored sheepdog, whose charges are all safely closed in a paddock in the front yard. Would we like to play ball? We fling the ratty tennis ball, and he chases, filled with glee.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Will you be posting a picture of your tree? I hope so!

Believe it or not, my tree is already decorated. This must be the first time ever that I’ve decorated my tree before you. But the kids INSISTED, and you know how INSISTENT they can be! It is nice to have it done, tho. Christmas lights are the most cheerful things in the world.

Comment by Karen 12.14.13 @ 11:33 pm