posted by soe 1:40 am
Here are some of the things I’m hoping to do this weekend:
- Complete my shift at the garden clean-up day. Possibly also assess our plot. Consider turning over soil.
- Shop at the farmers market. Hopefully find ramps and maybe spring mushrooms.
- Do taxes. Or, at the very least, assemble paperwork necessary to doing them.
- Make something with apples in fridge.
- Finish reading my novel & return overdue books to library.
- View cherry blossoms. This will probably require rising at a ridiculously early hour to avoid tourists. Conversely, battle tourists. (As I think there may be fireworks tomorrow night, maybe I’ll brave the crowds as it gets toward dusk.)
- Read a chapter in a novel-in-progress that I’m behind in offering thoughts on.
- Find yarn for my grandmother’s shawl.
- Paint fingernails.
- Sit outside and knit and read.
How about you? What’s on your weekend to-do list?
Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.
Mine is basically sit in the car with Lydia most of today. Oy. And worry about how she hasn’t peed since Thursday night – or so it seems. She does this now and again and I’m sure she must be peeing but the Feline Pine hides it well, since she does not act like a cat who can’t pee. I think she’s really just part camel.
Good luck with all of your list! A lot of it sounds rather pleasant!
Comment by Jenn 04.06.13 @ 6:14 amTake a walk in the woods. Write a couple of blog posts. Clean my office.
Comment by Karen 04.06.13 @ 7:30 pm