sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 17, 2012

ten on tuesday: happy, everyday things
posted by soe 11:14 pm

Today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is Ten Everyday Things That Make Me Happy:

  1. Snuggling in for a hug with Rudi
  2. Time spent with friends and family
  3. A purring cat (or three) falling asleep on my lap
  4. A hot cup/pot of tea
  5. Books
  6. Music
  7. The ocean
  8. Color
  9. Thunderstorms
  10. Having written something well

If you want to quibble that a few of those things are neither things nor accessible everyday, I offer a few backups:

  1. New Haven-style pizza
  2. Ripe berries
  3. The scent of vanilla
  4. Lying in the sun
  5. Handknit socks

How about you? What makes you happy?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

Memes like this make me think I should start a blog!

(in no particular order – this is electric/appliance heavy, perhaps I’m appreciating these things even more post-derecho-6day-outage)
1. indoor plumbing and running water
2. a/c and electricity (lights! freezer!)
3. internet access and my devices that use it
4. TV, cable, DVR (Tour de France!)
5. my treadmill (wow, this is electric-heavy)
6. contact lenses, and glasses
7. my coffeemaker w/ programmable timer, and that first sip of coffee in the morning
8. a stack of library books and/or a notice from the library that an item on hold is waiting
9. strawberries, watermelon and my basil “forest”
10. silence and solitude

Comment by MJ 07.18.12 @ 10:02 am

@MJ: My folks were without power for 11 days last fall, so I can completely understand why appliances would feature so prominently on your list!

Comment by soe 08.10.12 @ 12:32 am