sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 11, 2011

booking through thursday: queue
posted by soe 1:24 am

booking through thursdayThis week’s Booking through Thursday question was about our reading queues:

What are you reading now?

A Taste for Death by P.D. James.

Would you recommend it?

Not so far. My grandmother tells me that her father used to read books very quickly. When questioned about his speed he would say, “I don’t read the color of the trees or the sky.” He would spend a lot of time searching for what he could read in this book. I’m about a third of the way in and am already tired of the descriptions of mid-century London and everyone’s inner thoughts. The reviews on Goodreads suggest that it will improve as I go along.

And what’s next?

While I just picked up five books of Icelandic prose from the library today, I think it will be Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green (whose An Abundance of Katherines appeared on my best of 2010 list and who co-wrote Let It Snow) and David Leviathan (who co-authored Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist).

Category: books. There is/are 3 Comments.

Oh, Will Grayson, Will Grayson is on my to-read list. I adore John Green, and N&NIP was pretty decent, so I suppose David Leviathan can’t be bad 😉

Comment by Jenn 09.11.11 @ 7:52 am

I am reading “Portuguese Irregular Verbs” by Alexander McCall Smith. I’m not sure I’d recommend it. I think it’s funny in a highbrow and sort of distant way, but definitely not everybody’s cup of tea. Next up is “The Gremlins” by Roald Dahl.

Comment by Karen 09.12.11 @ 10:07 am

@Jenn: I agree about both, although David solo has several books on my to-read list, so I’m hopeful.

@Karen: Which series is it part of? The Isabel whatshername series? Or is it a stand-alone? And is the Dahl story the inspiration for the movie? I haven’t even heard of it!

Comment by soe 09.14.11 @ 1:24 am