sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 1, 2011

sore, golden, and impromptu
posted by soe 11:39 pm

It’s been a quiet week in the Burrow. But we’re heading into a holiday weekend and the ceremonial end of summer (which will continue on through most of September, so don’t fold up your beach chair just yet):

1. After a year of not doing yoga, I get to two classes on consecutive days. By Sunday, the muscles in my back ache, but in a good way. Secretly, I am relieved to discover I still have muscles in my back.

2. A man wheels his BMX-style bike past on the sidewalk. It looks like it has been touched by King Midas, as it is spray-painted gold, right down to the tires.

3. Practically up until the day we buy the tickets to go, we have never considered Iceland as a vacation destination. But there’s a deal and the allure of the Northern Lights, and suddenly we’ve booked a weeklong November holiday in Reykjavik.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this past week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

Iceland? Iceland!! Beyond cool. Have you read any Indridason mysteries? If you haven’t, you must. They are my favorite series. Can’t wait to see and hear about your trip. Enjoy

Comment by raidergirl3 09.02.11 @ 7:26 pm

@raidergirl3: I have the first (translated) one waiting for me at the library. I’m excited to pick it up.

Comment by soe 09.14.11 @ 1:17 am