There are some other photos, but they must be on a different memory card. These are the ones I found this morning…

I’m pretty sure photos like this are why it took me six months to finish the knitting. Jeremiah actually bit the yarn in two in this particular incident.
Jeremiah thinks knitting is hard work.
The final stitches of the quilt spread out on Mum’s 8-person kitchen table. (Check out the pajama bottoms and the bunny slippers.)
A close-up.
All wrapped up — at last!
oh, Kirstin, this is beautiful! Wow! the squares are all so even— despite Jeremiah’s best efforts to the contrary. Beell likes to help w/ my knitting and claims to know quite a bit about the craft…
Love and congrats!
Thanks for the compliment. I made the quilt in four scarf-like rows, so that helped keep it all even — and minimized the sewing Gramma and I had to do on the last day to put it together.
Comment by soe 10.18.05 @ 11:25 amOH MY GOODNESS!!! It’s AWESOME.
Damn. I’m coming to you for FINISHING. Your seams look perfect!!!!
Good on YOU!!!
Comment by Marty 10.18.05 @ 1:44 pmWhat a helpful kitty! I mustn’t let Duke and Kady see, else they will force me to take up knitting so they can have yarn to play with. It would be disasterous with all three of us chewing on the bright colored strings.
I like the colors.
Cheers to you!
Comment by Grey Kitten 10.19.05 @ 1:33 pm