sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 3, 2010

thunder, pods, and outside my window
posted by soe 11:17 pm

I’m glad it’s Thursday and not just because I need the weekend to arrive. (Honestly, I dozed off on a cat last night and then put my underwear on inside out this morning and didn’t notice for hours… Clearly I need some sleep.) Here are three beautiful things from my week:

1. Going to Old Town Alexandria on a weekend is never a smart idea, but sometimes your errands take you there. Memorial Day Weekend meant King Street was particularly packed, but it was also filled with bikers who were in town for Rolling Thunder (an annual event designed to raise awareness about POW and MIA issues and to assist veterans). Everyone walked up and down the street admiring the motorcycles and trikes — but particularly the Boss Hogg parked right at the bottom of the street. Very classy and so cool.

2. I buy two pints of shelling peas so there will still be some left when Rudi gets home.

3. A terrific afternoon thunderstorm strikes the area Tuesday to mark the beginning of meteorological summer. I turn my back to my computer for a few minutes so I can watch the lightning and listen to the driving rain hit my windows as the storm sweeps through downtown. Blue skies return shortly thereafter.

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 4 Comments.

The weekend can’t get here soon enough!

If it’s any consolation, I’ve put my underwear on inside out (and one memorable time, backward) before.

Comment by Jenn 06.04.10 @ 5:24 am

I read the title of this post quickly and saw “Thunder pods outside my window,” and I wondered what a thunder pod was. What do you suppose a thunder pod would be?

Comment by Karen 06.05.10 @ 7:41 am

@Jenn: I hope to goodness you don’t wear thongs. 😉 But thanks for the laugh. It’s good to know I have company in such things…

Comment by soe 06.06.10 @ 2:32 am

@Karen: Well, a pod can refer to an animal grouping, including some birds, so it could be that…

But I think it would be far cooler if it were the vehicles of the Norse gods on their way to clean up the Gulf Coast. That would definitely qualify as a beautiful thing — and a totally awesome one to boot!

Comment by soe 06.06.10 @ 2:35 am