I’m back in Salt Lake today, sitting at a cafe for a few more minutes before the yarn store opens up. Tonight we’ll have a dinner out with an ailing Jenny before packing up and heading back east tomorrow afternoon.
I’m not sure I’ll get to post tomorrow, but, if not, definitely expect something new Tuesday. In honor of such a beautiful morning spent outside (after a sunny day spent outside yesterday netted me a slightly pink nose for Rudi’s reunion), I offer you three beautiful things from my Friday:
1. A man on a recumbent bike rides in the bike lane with his small black poodle on a leash running alongside.
2. A violet patch next to a walkway to a nondescript cement building acts as a temporary burst of color.
3. A tree along my walk boasts a medallion. A bottlecap has been painted cheery colors and hangs from a bead-bedecked string. Inside, tiny ransom note-style words read, “This is Zen.”
What’s been beautiful in your world recently?
I’m feeling the start of a sore throat, took a benedril this morning after a sneezing fit and so am fighting to stay awake, but eagerly anticipating the end of the work day when we go pick up Roger and Danny.
Comment by Grey Kitten 03.31.10 @ 3:59 pm