Thanks for all the great bed-related tips. Rudi and I have read all of them and will definitely use the wisdom you’ve shared.
But since we won’t be buying a bed tonight, instead I’ll share three beautiful things from the past week:
1. Sarah remembered I was very excited about the Library at Alexandria during her trip planning. Over the weekend, a postcard arrives from there. Thanks, Sarah!
2. A nearly full moon lights up an inky sky.
3. As we wander the West Village looking for a lunch spot, I glance across the street and spy a garden behind a wall. We cross the avenue and enter into the park at St. Luke in the Field.
And just because this was too amazing to leave off the list:
4. I fail my car inspection on Tuesday. After some repairs yesterday, I plan to head back today, but am running too late to go before work. And then I miscalculate the closing time of the DMV station (but catch the mistake in the nick of time when it occurs to me to double-check). When I pull up to the building twenty minutes before they lock the gates, I’m able to drive right up to the bay. My car goes through practically faster than I can walk the length of the building’s corridor, the attendant gives me the thumbs up and a smile, and I find myself back at the office within my lunch hour with a pass sticker on my car’s windshield.
What’s been beautiful in your life this week?
[…] experience (and one I certainly didn’t expect to be equally as painfree as last week’s ease at the inspection station), D.C. […]
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