“Would you like a free book for your library?”
“How much is it?”
“It’s free.”
“I don’t want to carry it.”
“We can send it to you if you give us your contact information.”
“How much is it if I want you to send it to me?”
“It’s free.”
“No. How much is it if you send it?”
“It’s free.”
And so the morning went.
Actually, it was a very productive morning — much better than yesterday. One of our titles will probably be gone by midday tomorrow, which is a good thing. And some of the librarians are very nice and very excited when they finally realize we’re trying to give them quality, useful information for free. And they make up for the ones who pretend I’m invisible and inaudible.
If you offered pizza, I think you’d be more popular.
Or maybe you can have Mary GranPre do the cover art for the books.
Or maybe tie getting a blinky button with taking some books.
One thing not to try: having Tom Cruise do the pitch.
Comment by rudi 06.26.05 @ 11:11 pm