sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 20, 2009

posted by soe 11:02 pm

Yes, I fell off the face of the planet. Sorry ’bout that…

In lieu of a real post or an actual update, I’ll offer you an extra-special list of recent beautiful things from my world.

  1. The Nationals won their first game of the season last Thursday before losing the following three in the ninth inning. Tonight? They chose to turn things around and win their second game.
  2. Craig Ferguson has done several great lip-synch videos in the last week. He’s the funniest person on late-night tv, hands-down.
  3. Walking to the Metro in the rain allows me to use my rainbow-colored umbrella and my red rain hat.
  4. Our garden is coming along. That’s a row of radishes. We harvested the first one Sunday; it was the length of your pinky fingernail.

    A Row of Radishes
  5. I joined Michael, Julia, and their friend Maurice for a bike ride on Saturday. Michael packed a picnic, Julia and I put in 20 miles, and we got to see herons, water snakes, and lots of sunning turtles
  6. Rudi and I went over to Virginia so I could look for pants. On the way home, we notice fireworks over the Potomac. It was the annual finale to the Cherry Blossom Festival. We never would have caught it if we’d stayed home. Instead, we timed it perfectly to pull into Gravelly Point to watch.
  7. John invited us to join him and his friend Kerri for dinner on Sunday. He altered recipes to make them veggie-friendly for me, as well as cooking up two lamb roasts that smelled very good.
  8. I got to talk to my friend Rebs for the first time in a while. She sounded very optimistic.
  9. The dogwoods are blooming. They’re another flower I feel look like a flock of butterflies landed in a tree.
  10. I own a video of an Easter classic. It made me happy to watch it.

    The Cast of Here Comes Peter Cottontail
  11. Abe Lincoln walked past me on Saturday. (You should have seen the double-takes he got.)
  12. I take my Friday lunch — a CraftLit podcast, my favorite hummus, and sock knitting — up on the office roof deck in the last corner of sun before it disappears behind the building.
  13. First asparagus at the farmers’ market. We’ll probably have it for dinner on Wednesday with some leftover Easter chicken.
  14. I’m working on some anklets in yarn gifted to me in a swap. It’s called Monet and the way it knits up reminds me of his water lilies.
  15. Eggs — hard boiled and dyed.

    Easter Eggs!
  16. Country Pleasures Farm is back at the market for the season. It was great to see Eric and Dani and to have blueberry scones for Sunday breakfast once again.
  17. After spending several hours standing outside in somewhat chilly conditions, I buy a hot chocolate for the walk home. Feeling returns to my insides and to my hands.

  18. On Easter morning, I stopped by the French bakery at the farmers’ market. I bought two croissants, a chocolate croissant, and a puff pastry and raspberry jam delicacy that reminded me of a favorite treat from my growing up years.
  19. Flip flops were donned for the first time this spring.
  20. On Good Friday, Rudi and I went up to Annapolis for the day and got to walk on the beach.

    Walking in the Water

Maybe a book report tomorrow? Remember when I used to do them?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 6 Comments.

I have Craig Ferguson DVR’ed, I’ll have to check those out. Sounds like you’ve been busy!

Comment by Sarah 04.21.09 @ 6:55 am

Wow! Busy, busy!! Good for you!! Meanwhile, I am a slacker who’s spent all her free time lounging on the back porch reading!! Bah!

Comment by Jenn 04.21.09 @ 7:35 am

When you’re off having this much springtime fun, forgetting to blog about it is easy. It’s better to be enjoying the moment, so no worries about not keeping up.

The dogwoods (one pink, one white) in front of my apartment are absolutely stupendous this year. I want to sit on the porch all day and stare at them.

Comment by Sarah 04.21.09 @ 9:00 am

Sarah, it was particularly funny last week when he lip-synched to the Michael Franti song I’d posted last Monday. I was just barely ahead of the curve!

Comment by soe 04.21.09 @ 12:15 pm

Jenn, nah! That’s ten days’ worth of stuff in there. And frankly, lounging about with a book sounds pretty darn beautiful to me.

Comment by soe 04.21.09 @ 12:16 pm

Sarah, I won’t tell anyone if you’re “feeling a little under the weather” and “have to stay home to get better” (and look at the lovely blossoms)…

Comment by soe 04.21.09 @ 12:18 pm