sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 20, 2024

beatle in the house, new location, and inside
posted by soe 1:52 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. For Rudi’s birthday, I gave him concert tickets to see Ringo, who performed at a local theater this week. The woman behind us in line for drinks before the show exclaimed, “I am in the same room as a Beatle!” There were only about 3,000 of us there. So, honestly, how cool is that?

2. My favorite yuppie doughnut shop from Virginia has opened an outpost in D.C., and we stopped in for the first time. They weren’t crowded, so we decided to get supper there instead of pursuing our plan to eat elsewhere, and were pleasantly surprised. Both our entrees (my grilled cheese and Rudi’s mushroom grain bowl) were tasty and well-cooked, and our drinks (Rudi got an old-fashioned that they set on fire at the table to give it a smoky flavor, and I had an herbal homemade ginger ale) were outstanding. Plus, we got our first cider doughnuts of the season to eat while we walked over to the Wharf.

3. The team has moved indoors for the rest of the year. I’ll keep playing outside on the weekends, but my friend Sergio and I were talking about how consistent it felt to play a game inside after months of rain and wind and sun in your eyes and biting flies and 100 degree temperatures and humidity and odd tufts of grass to accommodate.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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