sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 7, 2024

the dumpster battle, little ballers, and catch up
posted by soe 10:12 am

Three beautiful things from my last week:

1. My fellow volunteer volleyball coach, Aroush, and I took our significant others to watch the new Haikyu! anime movie Saturday morning. It was delightful, with a particularly amazing shot sequence toward the very end of the movie and with a focus on Nekoma setter Kenma, whom we all love.

2. The moms of two of our youngest volleyball kids share their appreciation. One of their kids wrote a story about volleyball for her kindergarten class. The other one told me how much she’s appreciated how supportive we are of the kids. Her daughter came in afraid of the ball and, very last thing before the end of the spring session, got a modified serve over the net.

3. Anna meets me for drinks. We spend several hours catching up, since she hasn’t been to volleyball lately. We have plans to get together again (outside of team stuff) at the end of the month, too.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

You and I both know from personal experience that one adult can have a huge positive effect on a young person, and how cool for you to grow up to be an adult making a positive effect 🙂

Comment by Karen 06.08.24 @ 5:57 pm