sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 16, 2024

bookish goals for 2024
posted by soe 1:59 am

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl asks us to share our bookish goals for 2024. But first, let me do a final touch of 2023’s goals:

Last year I finished 52 books, 12 of which I own. The other 40 were from the library, including 14 audiobooks. (Thank god for libraries!) Nearly a third were from diverse authors and about a quarter by authors who were not Americans (including four in translation — three from Japanese and one from Swedish). Five books were nonfiction, one was poetry, and the rest were fiction (10 of which were graphic novels).

I failed completely at only two and generally hit the mark on most of the rest, so, yay!

Now, for this year:

  1. Read 52 books.
  2. Review said books here on the blog, even if it’s just a couple of sentences. And get any best of lists — definitely 2023, but did I post one for 2022? — published here, too.
  3. Buy books in another country. (More info on this goal coming soon!)
  4. Read at least two classics, including a Russian novel.
  5. Finish the School Library Journal’s Top 100 Children’s Books. (Maybe I have 15 left to go, none of which were at my local library branch when I checked for them last month. (The system has them, so I just need to place some holds.))
  6. Read 13 books from my own collection, including at least five I’ve had for more than two years.
  7. Listen to 20 audiobooks.
  8. Read at least three books of poetry.
  9. Read at least five books in translation.
  10. Get all my books onto shelves (which will necessitate donating some to make space).

How about you? Do you have bookish goals for this year?

Category: books. There is/are 6 Comments.

“Read at least two classics” I am seeing this on multiple lists, including mine!

Comment by Rebecca 01.16.24 @ 10:42 am

Great goals! Am excited to hear more about buying books in other countries, too. I’ve managed a couple from the UK, but still interested!

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

Comment by Cholla 01.16.24 @ 11:48 am

I’d never heard of the SLJ’s Top 100 Children’s Books list, so thanks for sharing. I’ve read a lot of them, but not all. I might have to make reading the whole list a goal for myself as well. Sounds fun. Good luck with all your 2024 goals!

Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


Comment by Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books) 01.17.24 @ 11:55 am

That’s a good set of goals. Back when you first mentioned the Top 100 Children’s Books, I thought it might take me a long time to complete, and boy, was I right! But I have fewer than ten left now. Wanna race? 😉

Comment by Karen 01.19.24 @ 4:27 pm

Excellent goals! I thought about reviewing books on the blog this year, but I am 7 in and haven’t done it yet…maybe next year.

I like the idea of a best of list – I can add all your favorites to my ‘fixing to read it’ list.

Comment by Emily 01.22.24 @ 9:41 am

Finding space on my shelves?! I’ve been meaning to do that for *cough, cough* *wheezes out* decades! 😛

Comment by Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADS 01.23.24 @ 11:29 am