This week’s Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl asks us to share our bookish goals for 2024. But first, let me do a final touch of 2023’s goals:
Last year I finished 52 books, 12 of which I own. The other 40 were from the library, including 14 audiobooks. (Thank god for libraries!) Nearly a third were from diverse authors and about a quarter by authors who were not Americans (including four in translation — three from Japanese and one from Swedish). Five books were nonfiction, one was poetry, and the rest were fiction (10 of which were graphic novels).
I failed completely at only two and generally hit the mark on most of the rest, so, yay!
Now, for this year:
- Read 52 books.
- Review said books here on the blog, even if it’s just a couple of sentences. And get any best of lists — definitely 2023, but did I post one for 2022? — published here, too.
- Buy books in another country. (More info on this goal coming soon!)
- Read at least two classics, including a Russian novel.
- Finish the School Library Journal’s Top 100 Children’s Books. (Maybe I have 15 left to go, none of which were at my local library branch when I checked for them last month. (The system has them, so I just need to place some holds.))
- Read 13 books from my own collection, including at least five I’ve had for more than two years.
- Listen to 20 audiobooks.
- Read at least three books of poetry.
- Read at least five books in translation.
- Get all my books onto shelves (which will necessitate donating some to make space).
How about you? Do you have bookish goals for this year?
“Read at least two classics” I am seeing this on multiple lists, including mine!
Comment by Rebecca 01.16.24 @ 10:42 amGreat goals! Am excited to hear more about buying books in other countries, too. I’ve managed a couple from the UK, but still interested!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Comment by Cholla 01.16.24 @ 11:48 amI’d never heard of the SLJ’s Top 100 Children’s Books list, so thanks for sharing. I’ve read a lot of them, but not all. I might have to make reading the whole list a goal for myself as well. Sounds fun. Good luck with all your 2024 goals!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
That’s a good set of goals. Back when you first mentioned the Top 100 Children’s Books, I thought it might take me a long time to complete, and boy, was I right! But I have fewer than ten left now. Wanna race? 😉
Comment by Karen 01.19.24 @ 4:27 pmExcellent goals! I thought about reviewing books on the blog this year, but I am 7 in and haven’t done it yet…maybe next year.
I like the idea of a best of list – I can add all your favorites to my ‘fixing to read it’ list.
Comment by Emily 01.22.24 @ 9:41 amFinding space on my shelves?! I’ve been meaning to do that for *cough, cough* *wheezes out* decades! 😛
Comment by Nicole @ NewBookCatsREADS 01.23.24 @ 11:29 am