sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 17, 2023

belatedly: an afternoon out, 1/50, and apple crisp
posted by soe 1:03 am

So, last week, we had some family health emergencies on top of regular family health crises, and in the wake of spending 20 hours a day in the hospital, I lost track of the blog. But since the only time I’ve missed a weekly TBT things post was after my grandmother died, I wanted to share three beautiful things from last week, just half a week later than usual:

1. Karen and I got a lovely afternoon visit in together, with stuffed French toast, a dry walk along the river, and a chat. It was needed.

2. Rudi and I went down to our alma mater for its 50 Years of Volleyball celebration. I played a single year, but it had a profound impact on my life. The team didn’t pull off a win, but they did have some solid plays and we enjoyed watching the game in person. And we met the coach, the director of athletics, my former captain’s daughter, and a bunch of the current players’ parents.

3. This year, I was in charge of making Dad’s birthday pie. It wasn’t as good as Mum’s, but it was a solid check-plus, which we’re taking as a win. Plus, I sliced enough apples for the Thanksgiving pie and froze them and some pie crust, so we’re doing well!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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