Sigh. At some point, I’m going to once again have a firm grasp of what day of the week we’re working on. Or I’ll just start posting on all of the days in order not to miss Thursdays.
Nonetheless, this week, we’re celebrating three beautiful things Friday:
1. Seven of us (five team members and two guests) got together for practice and drinks on a night when the team usually plays.
2. There is a Venezuelan baker who comes to a farmers market I sometimes frequent. Yesterday, it looked like he was selling cinnamon rolls, but it turns out they are golfeados, which are related, but whose filling also includes anise and cheese. (I did not save any to share with Rudi when he got home.)
3. I had a return to make, so Rudi and I took a trip to TJ Maxx, where I came away with new sneakers and a fancy dress.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?