sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 9, 2022

virtual advent tour 2022: day 9
posted by soe 6:00 am

Virtual Advent Tour 2022

A wise blogger would have remembered the outdated phone she uses as a camera these days when she went out, but tonight I was not that person. So, I’ll show you some of the holiday sights of D.C. another day.

I am absolutely a sucker for commercials that tug at the heartstrings, particularly near the holidays. I mean, I won’t necessarily buy your stuff (or, in fact, stop criticizing your company if you’re on my naughty list), but I’ll at least stop and pay attention to your commercial for 30 seconds.

You’ve probably seen the short version of this commercial from an online retailer. Watch the long version:

Kroger and Coca Cola both had similar thoughts this year:

I haven’t seen even an abridged version of this one from Chevy on tv, but it’s a tearjerker:

U.K. businesses are the best at Christmas commercials. Here are a couple of my favorites from this year.

John Lewis steps it up every year:

I really appreciate when a commercial is just in it for the holiday spirit and has nothing to do with what they actually sell, like this British clothing company:

And I’ll leave you with the National Trust’s Christmas shop for my knitters:

If you’re also a sucker for this kind of commercial, you can see a whole playlist of them from around the world here or just the U.K. ones. I might be inclined to set the playlists running while I was wrapping gifts, as something festive in the background, but not so distracting that I’d get sucked in for long periods of time.

Have you seen any Christmas commercials that you’ve loved so far this year?

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

[…] I enjoy a good holiday commercial, mostly I see commercials because I’m watching holiday […]

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