sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 6, 2022

a sense of things
posted by soe 1:59 am

A periodic consideration of what’s going on around me:

Seeing: The glow of the Halloween fairy lights on the living room wall.

Tasting: Toothpaste. I’m heading to bed as soon as I hit publish.

Hearing: Tires on wet roads. (But not the dripping of rain anymore. Corey shifting on the rug and trilling at me to hurry up so we can join Rudi in bed.

Feeling: Sore. I played volleyball for a couple hours today and came home with a couple minor aches and pains. And glad of the extra hour of sleep ahead.

Smelling: The faint whiff of laundry detergent, since these are fresh pj’s.

Give us a sense of what your world is like in the comments.

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