sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 12, 2022

final show, afghan food, and catching up
posted by soe 1:27 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. The final night of the Fort Reno summer concert series was just as gorgeous as the first. I’m not sure if it was that or the fame of the final performer, Ted Leo, that pulled in such a large crowd.

2. Because it had rained Friday evening, my friend Neal and I were on the hunt for restaurants with covered outdoor seating and a selection of vegetarian options. I stumbled across a mention of an Afghan restaurant near him, so we headed over for supper. Everything about the place — from the servers to the food — was lovely, and we dawdled at the table past closing time.

3. I got a chance to have a chat with one of my former coworkers, and it was good to hear how he was doing, even if some of his news wasn’t as positive as he would have hoped. He mentioned chatting again in the future, which was the best part of all.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately? Spread the beauty in the comments!

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