sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 1, 2022

memorial day weekending
posted by soe 1:27 am

Hi there!

I’m coming off a pretty nice weekend, so I hope you had one too.

First Strawberry Daiquiri of 2022

On Saturday, I played pick-up volleyball for three hours, scarfed down a popsicle, and then headed to the park with Rudi to listen to the Rock Creek Kings perform. Their permit ends at 9, so we were home in plenty of time for me to finish two books and a shawl.

On Sunday, while I just missed getting to the library, I did make it to the pool. I also had a trip to the farmers market and some time in the garden — I love pea season! We watched the original Top Gun movie and drank our first strawberry daiquiris of the season. I also snuck in a load of laundry, just in case you thought it was only fun and games at the Burrow this weekend.

Monday rolled around, and the fun kept coming. Rudi and I made strawberry refrigerator jam and then joined friends for supper. We had the jam this morning on our English muffins, and it was so good!

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