sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 27, 2022

late-april notes from the garden
posted by soe 1:20 am

Late-April Gardening

The garden has responded well to the recent spate of rain showers, growing lush and popping seedlings out in a reassuring manner. But it’s also been warm, which has led many of my cold-weather greens, including my two kale plants and all the bok choy, to bolt. ‘T’is the season.

Late-April Gardening

My flowers are doing well. Rudi asked if we could plant some petunias, which remind him of his grandmother, so of course I said yes. Two of the pink ones appear above alongside the yellow pansies that overwintered and my beloved violets.

Late-April Gardening

Late-April Gardening

My seeds have sprouted, although I’m not fully sure which of them have grown so boldly. I think one is pak choi, one might be arugula, and one might be a lettuce, but I won’t swear to any of it at this point.

My Swiss chard, despite having been my first sprouts, have been slow to grow, and while some peas are knee-high, fewer of them have emerged than I’d hoped.

Late-April Gardening

Finally, we split our first strawberry on Sunday and should have three more this week, if the straw keeps the slugs away. So sweet!

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