Today it snowed.
Okay, yesterday it snowed, too. Rudi’s cry of excitement when he looked out the window was what got me out of bed. I was afraid if I didn’t run right out to the living room, I’d miss it. Obviously you can see that I had cause for concern:

It didn’t stick. In fact, if you gave an extended blink, you’d miss the snow altogether.
Today it was serious about the snow. Little flakes followed by big flakes followed by more little flakes. Then no flakes at all until rush hour, when it was the detested “wintry mix” — snow, sleet, freezing rain…
It was a picture of loveliness this morning:

But people still stress out about the snow. There are a lot of Southerners in this fair city of ours — and they consider an inch a lot of snow. (They also use umbrellas in the snow. Silly…)

By the time I out of work, it was decidedly sleet.

Luckily the sidewalks I encountered were well treated. It’s now raining and the snow on the bushes out in the window well have a shiny gloss. The temperature is down in the upper 20s, so we’ll expect a nasty commute in the morning.
But, seriously, it thrills this New England girl’s heart to see fluffy whiteness falling from the sky.
To celebrate quintessential winter weather, we opted for the ideal snow supper — tomato soup and grilled cheese. And we paired it with hot apple cider. Yum!
Rudi watched a James Bond movie while I read and knit. We finished up the night with cupcakes (Rudi was trying a new-to-us cupcake bakery) and tea. It was a good night.
We’re kinda over it at this point…. Looking for that groundhog, and he better not see his damned shadow!!!!!
Comment by Mum 01.28.09 @ 6:40 pm