Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. A bag of day-old bagels gives us a couple days’ breakfast.
2. Being able to stream women’s basketball the majority of nights this week.
3. Two of Rudi’s mom’s friends have called to say they’ve had good chats with her this week. She’s currently in a nursing home (where visitors aren’t allowed), recuperating from a hairline fracture after a fall, so it’s been a tough few weeks for her.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?
The weather’s been fabulous. The peepers have been peeping, and the first daffodil popped yesterday.
Comment by Karen 03.26.21 @ 9:41 amI love this prompt.
*loyola will play another game this weekend . I went there. Not the biggest fan of the school but the Sr .Jean thing is intriguing.
*Fireman and I took big branches off a dead tree. It was so good to work outside even though cold and cloudy. I got to see some buds on our young willows, I see daffodils and columbine and tulip and clematis just awakening.
*I have the gift of seeing my son when he calls from Mexico. It is so wonderful. Soon we will see him there!