sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 16, 2008

3 from a wedding, 3 from vacation, and 3 from the rest
posted by soe 3:35 pm

Last Thursday seems eons ago. It seemed like so many lovely things had happened in the meantime that it was just wrong to pick just three. So you’ll get three sets of three instead.

Three beautiful things from Karen and Michael’s wedding:

1. Karen was a lovely bride. From her hair to her dress to her beaming face whenever she looked at Michael, she was stunningly beautiful.

2. You could not have asked for a more autumnal day. Deep blue skies. Eye-popping foliage. Comfortable temperatures. Everything conspired to make the backdrop one to remember.

3. A quality cake cannot be overvalued. Karen’s was lovely in its simplicity — three white squares formed a tower atop which sat a bouquet of yellow frosted roses, which perfectly tied together the cake and the bridesmaids’ bouquets. Lucky for the guests, the cake not only was pretty, but also was tasty. It was a moist lemon cake with the right ratio of sweet frosting. A solid success.

Three beautiful things from the rest of our vacation:

1. Mum baked apple crisp crumb pie to celebrate Dad’s birthday. Hers sets the standard against which all others are judged.

2. Sunday was sunny and 80 and I sat outside all afternoon. I knit and chatted with my folks and Gramma and admired the family pumpkins and generally embraced the loveliness of an autumn afternoon with no obligations.

3. Have I mentioned the New England fall color? The Mass Pike was aglow Friday afternoon. The dogwood outside Gramma’s window was red with bright berries attracting all manner of winged creatures. We snapped photos on Monday along 91 and in Northampton. And looking out the window as we flew southward I loved the fiery orange hillsides of Connecticut and New York.

And, finally, three beautiful things from the rest of the week:

1. Two feral kittens scamper across the sidewalk to skitter under a parked car. The black one lies down under the car. She looks a smidge bigger than the tabby (maybe a teenage mother?) who darts back to the walkway and then to the protection of a bush. A cockroach scuttling by merits jumping on. A third kitten, another tabby, climbs up from the neighbor’s basement entryway.

2. We watched last night’s debate from Trusty’s, a neighborhood dive over on Cap Hill where we also followed the Super Tuesday results, with Sarah and Michael. As Sarah said, there’s something cathartic about being able to yell at the television with a room of others doing the same thing.

3. I pulled the photos off the camera last night. The colors of the full shots, while not as perfect as Mother Nature’s, were much better than my tiny camera screen had led me to expect. (I’ll upload photos tonight and share them over the weekend. I haven’t been home long enough since returning to D.C. to take care of that yet.)

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

The wedding sounds like it was lovely! What a gorgeous day Sat was for a wedding!

Awww, kittens!!

Comment by Jenn 10.16.08 @ 6:22 pm

Oh! And I will be making apple crisp this weekend – for the gamers on Sunday. I can’t wait – I’ll take apple crisp over apple pie any day!

Comment by Jenn 10.16.08 @ 6:24 pm