sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 5, 2021

shopping spree, irish breakfast in the house, and bare toes
posted by soe 1:33 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. A colleague mentioned a frame shop a couple neighborhoods north of me was having a sale, so I took the bus up there last Saturday. That part wasn’t super successful, but I stopped at my favorite Italian mom and pop shop for a slice, a ball of dough, and a bag of Jordan almonds, a fun stationery shop for some stickers, and one of the city’s mini-Targets, where I bought some lotion I can’t find elsewhere and some new shirts.

2. I made my annual tea purchase last week during the NYC shop’s sale, and earlier today 13 pounds of tea (and two pounds of coffee) arrived to refill my depleted canisters.

3. I ran out in flip flops, leggings, and a tshirt at mid-afternoon on Wednesday in between meetings and it was gloriously sunny and warm.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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