sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 12, 2020

virtual advent tour 2020: day 12
posted by soe 6:00 am

2020 Virtual Advent Tour blog button

For those who have been keeping track, Rudi will be home from Salt Lake next Friday, marking 10 full weeks he’ll have been away. We’ll both have to quarantine once he gets home, so whatever shopping and shipping I need to do prior to Christmas needs to be done in the next week, because there’s no being around people after that. But even with all that, Corey and I are going to be so glad to have him home.

Today marks the halfway mark of the Virtual Advent Tour. I hope you’re enjoying it, whether you’re sharing a post of your own or just taking in all the excitement. I definitely have been. As one final piece of housekeeping, I have four unclaimed dates for the second half of the tour (14, 18, 21, and 22), if anyone was thinking they wanted to share one more post. If not, that’s a completely manageable number for Rudi and me to polish off. (Rudi’s already informed me he has one more draft ready to go.)

I really think you’re all going to enjoy the post behind today’s door. It comes from kathy b at Compassionknit and it has to do with Christmas picture books. I suspect you will have opinions.

See you back here tomorrow!

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