sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 3, 2020

scenes from a weekend
posted by soe 1:51 am


Nail Polish

Most people would be surprised by how many colors of nail polish I own. Rudi would be surprised that neither do the bottles multiply when we close the bathroom cabinet door nor do they lie in wait for when he next opens it.

Shekerbura from Sharbat

Shekerbura from Sharbat, the Azerbaijani bakery that opened the next neighborhood over from ours last month. We also sampled two types of savory pastries and two types of cake.

Protect RBG!

I mean, it’s as good a reason as any. Also, we were impressed with the percentage of people we saw wearing masks while we were out.

Adams Morgan Sunflowers

I won’t get out to the sunflower fields in Maryland this year, so this was a nice yard to come upon.

Be a Beautiful Cupcake

Be a beautiful cupcake.

How was your weekend?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

So many fun and colorful pictures in this post! 🙂 I have quite a few nail polish colors, too, though I rarely paint my nails. Your picture has inspired me to take them out and use them. Perhaps I will have a nail-painting party. The menfolk probably wouldn’t attend (their loss!), but Livia would love it.

Comment by Karen 08.03.20 @ 11:28 am

I love RBG! I would do whatever she asked of me. I used to have so much nail polish. Now I use the stick on KISS nails. Easier than trying to grow mine. I don’t even get upset because they don’t split and break like my own nails. !

Comment by Kathy Boyer 08.03.20 @ 8:00 pm