sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 31, 2020

top ten signs i’m a book lover
posted by soe 12:47 am


Today’s Top Ten Tuesday from That Artsy Reader Girl invites us to share the top ten signs you’re a book lover.

Here are some ways folks may know I love books:

  1. There are very few surfaces in my apartment that do not contain books. This does not keep me from stopping at every bookshop and Little Free Library that I pass.
  2. I belong to three library systems — in three states — and the Library of Congress.
  3. My insurmountable TBR list predates Goodreads. It used to be written on brightly colored index cards in tiny writing. Periodically one still resurfaces. Occasionally, I’ve read one title of the 75+ contained on it.
  4. I can — and do — read (print books) and walk. Mostly I put my finger in the book when crossing streets.
  5. I have 60 audiobooks on my phone.
  6. Every time I have moved, the first box that gets unpacked contains Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. (My college roommate said she knew immediately that we’d be friends.)
  7. We own copies of Harry Potter titles in a variety of languages, including a couple we don’t read.
  8. My Halloween costumes are often based on bookish characters.
  9. Every year, I tamp down my crowd anxiety to brave thousands of people at the National Book Festival.
  10. I literally have the tshirt. (And the tote bag. And the socks. And the Christmas pjs. And … )

How about you? Are there obvious signs that you’re a book lover, too?

Category: books. There is/are 4 Comments.

I love these – not having copies of my comfort reads in the house would be terrible! I couldn’t read and walk though, I’d get myself run over.

Comment by Catherine@basedonthebook 03.31.20 @ 4:05 am

It’s cool that you own copies of Harry Potter in languages you can’t actually read.

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

Comment by Astilbe 03.31.20 @ 7:02 am

That photo is awesome!

My TTT .

Comment by Lydia 03.31.20 @ 7:28 am

My room is basically filled to the brim with books as well!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/top-ten-tuesday-257/

Comment by Jo 03.31.20 @ 7:46 am