sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 11, 2025

mid-january weekend to-do list
posted by soe 1:05 am

Once upon a time, I used to share the things I planned to accomplish, hoped to do, or might be interested in tackling over the weekend. That was, of course, back when I had a job and weekends were vastly different from weekdays and mostly before COVID (and before my warm-weather weekends often just became an opportunity to play volleyball). But I thought I’d bring this back at least for the winter as a way to encourage myself to get out of the apartment during daylight hours and to cross off some necessary chores with a minimal amount of accountability. (Really, there’s no accountability; once I put it down here, I may never get to it and may never feel guilty about that. But still, one must start somewhere. Name the problem…) Plus, who can argue with more blog content? I mean you could, but I’m not sure that anyone besides my mom and my BFF reads this regularly anymore, so why would you?

Right. Back to the potential to-do list for this weekend, assuming that whatever this cough is doesn’t turn into a full-blown cold:

  • Go to the two libraries where I have holds waiting for me.
  • Finish reading at least one book.
  • Hand over this week’s compost at the farmers market.
  • Tidy the living room.
  • Bake some cookies.
  • Set up my 2025 journal for the start of this year. (Yes, I was late in getting it.)
  • Write a fave books of 2024 post.
  • Watch the UConn-Georgetown game on tv. (It wasn’t on my radar this year and tickets are now $50+ to watch in person.)
  • Send the rest of my new year’s cards. (Ahem. They started out as Christmas cards, but I got stuck.)
  • Do another load of laundry.
  • Get take out or take myself out to eat. (I’ve been so responsible this week while Rudi’s been away!)
  • Start either the pair of socks I wound yarn for on Jan. 1 or the baby sweater for my friend’s daughter, who arrives in less than a month (that yarn is in the stash and I have an old swatch for the pattern; I just have to figure out where both are currently).
  • Refill the tea tins.
  • Replace the batteries on the fairy lights.
  • Snuggle the kittens.
  • Paint my nails.
  • Sort out the veg drawer (hopefully before going to the farmers market with the compost), since it looks like something maybe died in there.
  • Find the wall calendar and my new atm card, both of which arrived in the mail in December.

Okay, yes, that’s definitely an ambitious list. And I probably won’t get to all of it. But even a fraction would probably make me fell pretty good about things.

What are you hoping to do this weekend? Curl up and read under your warmest blanket? Watch a movie? (I recommend Flow and Emilia PĂ©rez if you’re considering the theater) Get Christmas put away?

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