posted by soe 1:10 am
It’s a three-day weekend for the federal government, which means D.C. has emptied out quite a bit. But some of us are still here. What do I hope to squeeze into the next three days, you ask? Let me tell you:
- Start my #1000WordsOfSummer project (That’s kind of a misnomer, because it only lasts for two weeks. But the idea is to write 1000 words each day over the next fortnight and to jumpstart or reinvigorate or put a solid dent into a project. I finished it last summer and am going to give it another shot, this time with the actual intent of continuing on through July.)
- Decide if I’m going to do #ChristmasInJuly this year and sign up if I am (I probably will.)
- Bake something with cherries (a cobbler or a pie, most likely)
- Play volleyball
- Swim
- Water the garden and plant beans (and maybe tomatillos)
- Go to supper at a friend of Rudi’s
- Shop at the farmers market (peaches!!!)
- Clear out the refrigerator (honestly!)
- Finish a book or two
- Sit outside at a cafe (maybe with my writing project or maybe with a book or maybe with a knitting project)
- Vacuum
- Send some mail
- Check in with some friends
- Do laundry
- Eat tons of fresh berries because it’s the best couple weeks of the year for that!
How about you? What are you hoping to do this weekend?
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