sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 3, 2022

posted by soe 1:48 am

I bought a shelf today.

Rudi has been saying for a while that he wants a tall shelf for the living room. We have too much stuff for the space we live in, which means the apartment is always a hot mess. Yes, we could purge things — and that would be how many people would handle it. But we are not those people.

A local shop is shuttering its business tomorrow and I stopped in today to see if they had any deals. Mostly they did not, but they were selling off some of their furniture, including a shelf that’s a little over six feet tall.

The shop disassembled it for me (it’s three boxes on four poles) and I walked it home in four trips (exercise plus furniture!). I have yet to reassemble it, but that’s a tomorrow problem, rather than a today problem.

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