sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 14, 2021

mid-june weekending
posted by soe 1:08 am

Summer Capreses

Our weekend actually turned out pretty nice. Saturday, I caught up on sleep for the first half of the day. We spent five hours at our local watering hole with friends belatedly celebrating Rudi’s birthday and generally soaking up what turned out to be an ideal June evening. Oh, and I mostly finished my sock, too!

This morning I went to the farmers market and came home with strawberries and sweet cherries, among other things. I suspect there had been corn earlier in the morning, but I’m okay waiting until another day for that. I am hopeful for blueberries and raspberries sometime soon, though.

I spent a lot of time at the garden. All my plants (but not the beans) are in the ground. I harvested peas, herbs (you can see the basil on our supper capreses), strawberries, salad greens, my first cherry tomato of the season, and Swiss chard out of the main beds. Then, as I was planting the shallots in the potato patch, I discovered I had grown potatoes of actual size! I put them in around April 10, so we’re just around two months for a round trip from my kitchen and back! I’ve never done a midsummer harvest of potatoes, even though I know now is when I start finding new potatoes at the market. Some of them were tiny (once I’d severed their roots, there was really no going back), but some of them are of a saleable size! That’s about half a pint there — enough for a side dish!

Half Pint of Potatoes

I also got in a swim. I’m going to go do the dishes, take a shower, and then hit the hay. This week holds a baseball game, a movie, and a volleyball game if the weather finally cooperates again — and then maybe a trip to the beach on Saturday. I’m looking forward to it all.

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