sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 12, 2021

top ten bookish hopes for 2021
posted by soe 1:57 am

I’m not much for resolutions, but I have lots of hopes for the coming year. A whole lot of them involve the pandemic ending, but some of them are within my control.

Here are ten of the more bookish hopes I have for this year:

  1. All of my local indie bookstores stay in business. (D.C. is home to one of the best indie book scenes in the country.)
  2. All of your local indie bookstores stay in business. (I want them to be there for you. And I want to come visit them all once the pandemic ends.)
  3. I can browse in the library again. (I do appreciate that they let me pick up reserved books, though.)
  4. I can attend author events in person. (I’m grateful for all the video events, but they aren’t the same.)
  5. I read through some of my personal stash of books. (I think only 20% of the books I read last year were from my collection, which is less than I acquired.)
  6. I read a book a week. (It’s less about the number specifically, and more that it means I’m prioritizing something that brings me joy.)
  7. I publish my top ten reads from 2020 (and 2019 ::sigh::).
  8. I do a better job blogging about the books I read. (I like having written the reviews; I’m just awful at actually doing the writing.)
  9. I read more poetry. (I love buying books of poetry, but am not great at finishing them, which means they never move off my to-be-read and currently-reading lists.)
  10. If I get stuck in another reading slump this year that I’m faster at moving to re-reading something I love. (Harry Potter, Thursday Next, Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, and L.M. Montgomery could all help lift me out of the bookish doldrums.)

Huh. That ended up being easier than I expected. How about you? Do you have bookish hopes or goals for 2021?

Head over to That Artsy Reader Girl to read others’ entries into this week’s Top Ten Tuesday.

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