sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 14, 2018

virtual advent tour 2018: day 14
posted by soe 6:12 am

virtual advent tour 2018, hosted by spritewrites.net.

Happy Friday, dear friends. I hope that you are calmly and restfully moving through your holiday preparations list, be it one you have on paper, on your phone, or in your head.

Behind today’s calendar door, we have a trip back to Judith’s blog, Reader in the Wilderness, where she has some more seasonal reading suggestions.

See you tomorrow!

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

golden hour, plaque, and cargo
posted by soe 1:22 am

Sunset over Rosslyn

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I was along the river as the sun set last Friday, allowing me to see a spectacular view over Rosslyn. My shots here give you an idea of the colors, but Flickr mutes reds terribly, so just know it was even more breathtaking in person.

Sunset along the Potomac

2. I passed the Mexican Embassy while out walking today and noticed for the first time a sign informing me it was housed in part of what had once been known as “The Seven Buildings,” which had served as home, over time, to the Declaration of Independence, the Department of State, and President and First Lady Madison, as they waited for the White House to be rebuilt after the War of 1812. The sign has been there for the past 8 years, but today was the first time I saw it, which I love, because it means there’s always something new to be seen, even if it isn’t new.

Mexican Embassy and The Seven Buildings

3. While stopping by the library earlier this week, I saw a person on a bicycle laden down with packages and helium balloons, clearly en route to a celebration. There were at least a dozen balloons and maybe closer to two, and the cyclist was having a hard time maneuvering while keeping the balloons from floating back into her view. After futzing with them at the red light, though, she finally got all the strings tucked under her arms and was able to carry on her way. (This now tops my previous most interesting cycling sight of the month, which was when I saw a young woman using her bike as a dolly to carry a seven foot Christmas tree from the farmers market to home on her own.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on golden hour, plaque, and cargo.