sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 28, 2017

unraveling at the end of the year
posted by soe 1:15 am

End of the Year Unraveling

What we have here are likely the final projects of the year. With only four days left in 2017, it’s likely I can finish this cowl and hopefully these two print books — Robin Benway’s Far from the Tree and John Green’s Turtles All the Way Down. (The former is already overdue and the latter is due Saturday.) Since most of Friday will be taken up with driving back home alone, there’s a good chance I’ll also get in an audiobook, but I don’t know which one just yet.

I also haven’t yet decided which book and knitting projects will start off 2018, but I should have time on Saturday to look things over and decide. Got any favorites you recommend?

Head over to Kat’s for her bookish and yarny Unraveled Wednesday linkup.

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