virtual advent tour: day 17
posted by soe 5:00 am

Welcome to Day 17 of the Virtual Advent Tour!
Today’s post comes from Tami at Just One More Thing, who shares how her Christmas has changed the past few years and why that’s okay.
Thanks once again for taking part in the Virtual Advent Tour, Tami!
Check back here tomorrow for the next stop on the Virtual Advent Tour. And if you’re interested in taking part in the tour, badges, details, and sign-up info can be found here. We’d love to have you participate.
pre-christmas weekend plans
posted by soe 3:37 am
My weekend is looking very full, but I think that’s okay. I have a lot I’d like/need to get done, and Rudi is off in Pennsylvania for the first week of his team’s ski training. (He’s there right now, in fact, since winter weather was predicted to make the roads slick come morning.)
Here’s the to-do list:
- Go to the post office, the grocery store, and the library.
- Do laundry. (Most of the hand-knit socks are done; on to the stuff that needs to go into the washing machine!)
- Write Christmas cards.
- Complete a knitting project.
- Poach quince.
- Work on my holiday mix.
- Drink egg nog. (We polished off the light stuff from Trader Joes; but I’ve got a full-octane version from my local dairy. I expect it to be a sipping beverage.)
- Paint my nails.
- Wrap some gifts.
- Watch cheesy, made-for-tv Christmas movies. (Two down; more to go!)
- Hang up the Christmas cards we’ve received.
- Finish my shopping.
- Sleep.
I think it’s doable, but the amount of time I just sit idle watching those cheesy Christmas movies is going to have to be limited. Time to multi-task!
How about you? What are you hoping to accomplish this weekend?