posted by soe 3:12 am
This weekend, I hope to:
- Make lasagna/soup/guacamole.
- Bake cookies/bread/pie/cake/granola.
- Finish the local baby knit so baby can arrive unhindered by my unfinished project.
- Take down the Christmas cards. (Clearly my missing held holiday mail is never going to turn up.)
- Knit on my shawl.
- Read a book. Or two. Or three.
- Sleep.
- Mail cards.
- Write blog post(s) about books. (!)
- Go to the farmers market.
- Buy stamps.
- Pick up holds at the library.
- Watch movies.
- Clean the bathroom.
- Drink tea.
- Phone a friend.
- Change the sheets.
- Attend a yoga class.
- Set up my ukulele class.
- Do laundry.
- Soak up some rays.
- Listen to music.
- Wash socks.
- Clear off rocking chair.
- Breathe.
- Cuddle cats.
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