My energies have been devoted elsewhere recently, which ought to mean that I’ve been getting lots of writing done, but what that really means is that I’ve been watching a lot of tv with nothing in my hands. That’s not usually a good sign, although I’m willing to cut myself a little slack due to the combination of finishing two projects last week and allergies running unabated until today (when we switched allergy medications from what was effective during the spring to what we used last year, allowing us to breathe again without huge bouts of coughing, sneezing, and other cold-mimicking symptoms). Nonetheless, this weekend will see me finish off this sock I was supposed to work on in August:

I have 24 more rows of pattern (two repeats) and then an inch or so of ribbing before it’s time to bind off. While I am perfectly capable of knitting my socks up or down, I really prefer how speedy the post-heel knitting of top-down socks generally are with patterning on at most half the stitches and a decrease in overall quantity at the end. It just feels faster to get the leg out of the way first. This leg feels like it’s been in progress forever.
Once I’m done with this, it’s back to my shawl and my years-on-the-needles Hey Teach! sweater. I’m also going to cast on a new sock project or two. That will be exciting.
Reading has been a bit slow all summer long, much to my disappointment. But I’m meandering my way through Kathy Reichs’ Virals (the first in the series that focuses on the niece of forensic anthropologist Temperence Brennan) and I began the first Harry Potter again this week, with all the hoopla about the arrival of September 1, the day every year when the Hogwarts Express whisked young witches and wizards away for the beginning of term.
Waiting in the wings is Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior and A.S. King’s Ask the Passengers, which made its way off my to-read list and onto my request-from-the-library list when author Eliot Schrefer raved about it on Twitter.
(Yarning along with Ginny)