One more sleep ’til The Hobbit! (Not that I’m excited or anything…)
It seems like my life lately is all Cybils, Cybils, Christmas, Cybils, but in between there have been other good things. Here are three beautiful things from the past week:
1. Sarah invites my book out for pizza and me to join it. Rudi and I sit in the coffeehouse next to Pete’s and read while we wait. You know a friend is a good one if they understand when you have to read through your meals.
2. Muppets-themed Christmas underwear. (Related: Target has underoos for women!)
3. Our landlord did some needed renovations to our bathroom. Our fan no longer screams like an injured banshee when you flip the light switch on (the two are tied together), and the shower faucet no longer drips. The shower taps being replaced has the added benefit of improved temperature control.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?