I can’t believe next week is Thanksgiving and that there are only six more weeks in the year. That just seems wrong somehow. Wasn’t it just 80 degrees outside?
Anyway, today is Thursday, and thus it is time to look back at three beautiful things from my life over the last seven days:
1. Two days this week, random strangers came up to me and complimented my clothing. Today it was my cat shoes. Earlier in the week, I assume it was my outerwear — green capelet and fingerless mitts, striped hat and rainbow kneesocks, and polka dotted galoshes — that caused a guy on the metro to tell me I looked cheerful.
2. Our front windows are located below ground, so any precipitation hits them with dusty/muddy backsplash, leaving them filthy. Rudi and I wash them (inside and out) and I can’t believe how much better the Burrow feels with them clean.
3. In the process of our making the bed, Rudi finds the bag of missing handknits where he stashed it away from the moths last spring.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?