sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 6, 2012

reward, first day photos, and cocoa
posted by soe 11:54 pm

It’s Thursday night and I feel like a million years have passed since last Thursday. It seems unfair, especially since we had a long weekend in between, but some weeks are just like that. Long.

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1. I can’t help but peek into windows as I pass them. In one kitchen, I spy a suit of armor.

2. My friend Rebs posts pictures of her son’s first day of kindergarten. Joseph is adorable with his grin and his glasses and his special first-day outfit. If we ignore the fact that I’m not old enough to have friends with school-aged children (let’s not even acknowledge those children who are in middle school), the photos help to make us feel like we’re not so far away.

3. A mug of hot chocolate in the middle of the night. With a mountain of whipped cream, of course, and a dusting of red sparkle sugar.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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