sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 18, 2012

the wearin’ o’ the green
posted by soe 2:02 am

Sock Madness is upon us, which means my knitting productivity goes back up. Last night I finished the first round pattern, Dicey.

Spring Green Socks

Each sock’s cable placement was determined by rolling dice. On the leg of the second sock, I rolled a lot of cables. It nearly prevented me from finishing within the time frame allotted us. And the stress of that possibility definitely made me tense, which, in turn, means that second leg is a bit more tight-fitting than the first. But I can get both of them on, which is what’s important.

Dicey Close Up

The yarn, which is in a color called Spring Green, made socks perfect for wearing around Mitchell Park on a temperate St. Patrick’s Day.


I like them better on way better than I did while knitting them.

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