posted by soe 11:14 pm
Final Thursday of the year must mean final three beautiful things of 2011, too. Here we go:
1. A construction crew (I assume) has decorated a small pine tree in the median of the Merritt Parkway.
2. The buzzing that has been a constant in my head since October subsides finally after Christmas. If something has been forgotten/missed/overlooked/left undone, it’s too late to do anything about it, and that’s such a relief.
3. I received some truly lovely Christmas presents this year, but my most favorite was time with my parents, Gramma, Rudi, and Karen and her family. I never get as much of it as I’d like, so I try really hard to savor that which I’m given.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?
Category: three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on median, quiet, and gifts.