sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 24, 2009

recognition, impending, and last one
posted by soe 8:26 am

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1. My friend Laura is a semi-finalist for teacher of the year in Connecticut. She is a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners type of teacher (the kind who never would have put up with my B.S. in high school) and I’m glad to see that rigor is sometimes rewarded.

2. Our friend Brian and his wife are expecting an early spring baby. And they’ve bought a house.

3. The final weekend of summer was glorious. Rudi and I spent Saturday together outside eating brunch, gardening, and sitting at a cafe. On Sunday, while Rudi did his usual long ride, I hit the farmers’ market, hung out at the park, and went on a shorter ride that ended at Baked and Wired for a cupcake and cocoa. All in all, you couldn’t have imagined a nicer end to the season.

What beautiful things have cropped up in your life recently?

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